Bliv klogere på klimaet med Climate Fresk

Deltag i en engagerende workshop, hvor du lærer om klimaforandringer gennem leg og samarbejde.

Vil du forstå de vigtigste mekanismer bag klimaforandringerne? Climate Fresk er en interaktiv workshop, hvor du i en gruppe med andre deltagere arbejder med 42 kort for at afdække klimaets komplekse sammenhænge. 

På bare tre timer får du ny viden baseret på FN’s klimarapporter og inspiration til, hvordan vi sammen kan handle for en bæredygtig fremtid.

Undervejs guider en erfaren facilitator jer igennem processen og sørger for en lærerig og motiverende oplevelse. Når kortene er lagt, reflekterer vi over, hvad vi har lært, og diskuterer, hvordan vi kan omsætte viden til handling – både individuelt og i fællesskab.

Praktisk information
Workshoppen varer tre timer, og du behøver ikke medbringe andet end din nysgerrighed. Eftersom dette er en aften session, er du velkommen til at tage lidt mad og drikke med. Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig.

Har du spørgsmål? Kontakt Laure Duquenoy på

Workshoppen er faciliteret på engelsk



If you want to understand the facts and key elements of climate change, the "Climate Fresk" is the ideal workshop.

Climate Fresk is a collaborative workshop that lets you learn about climate change in an engaging way. The workshop explains the causes and consequences of climate change based on the IPCC report. It is a great way to discover a lot in a short period, while having a good time learning from each other.

More than 2 Million people in 150 countries have already taken part.

You'll work collaboratively with your team. You'll play with 42 cards and order them according to cause-and-effect relationships.

 Once you've built and personalised your Climate Fresk, it's time to step back, reflect on what you've learned, on the emotions that arise and start thinking together about how to take action, individually and collectively. 

A trained facilitator will guide you and provide you with additional information.

The workshop will last a total of 3 hours.

 No specific equipment is needed, just you and your energy.
 As this is an evening session, if you'd like to bring something to drink and/or eat, please do!
 Please arrive on time so we can start the workshop with the whole group and plan to stay for the full 3 hours.

The event is free, but you need to book a spot

 Do you have any questions? Contact Laure Duquenoy:


Kulturhuset Indre By

Charlotte Ammundsens Pl. 3

1359 København
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